Sunday, May 18, 2008

Uncles and Dad Visit

I recently heard that Uncle Ron was upset about a lack of blogging about their visit to the Belg. So, I am going to answer that complaint.

It was awesome to see my Uncle Ron, Uncle John, and of course, Karl, about a month ago ( wow was it a month ago already??!) I was really glad that they could come over, because I knew that they would show me a good time, and sure enough, they did. We went to all kinds of pubs within the 5 days that they were here. My favorite was probably the small brewery in a town called Beersel. I never even knew that the town existed until Uncle John pointed it out and took us there. The beer we had was very delicious. I think we tried lambic and kriek, which is a beer made from cherries here in Belgium. Prior to this experience, I had only tried the reallygeneric fruity krieks, but this kriek was unique ( I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!) It had more of a strong, bitter taste. We had some cheese, bread, meat, and other tasty appetizers to go along with the great beer. Having this kind of food with beer is typically Belgian....yum

During their visit, we also went to Brussels and Brugges. While in Brugges, we rented bikes and rode around the outer rims of the town, which was a lot of fun. We also tasted a lot of beer and shopped around for souviners. I got to see a few more things in Brugges that I have not seen before, so it was definately worth the trip back (besides the fact that I also got to hang out with my awesome uncles and father)

The last night we went out to dinner in Leuven to a Belgian restaurant and said our goodbyes. I twas sad to see them leave, but it was a fun trip! Sorry this blog cant be longer...I'm tired and need to get some sleep!!


Ronnie K said...


I was not upset - just bewildered, befudled, and bemoaned. I could not for the life of me understand how the most culteral experience of your stay in Eupope could only muster a few minor comments, when in fact it was your destiny to listen and learn from the three Kimmich boys - what that is remains to be seen, but trsut me when you least expect it or want it to be seen - it will and the results will damage you for a lifetime, as well as those around you - thanks for the blod entry and now I can sleep knowing we made a difference in your life.



Lauren said...

hahah oh uncle ron. im glad that my blog post gave you peace of mind!! it gave me peace of mind too. haha